[Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and to mark the occasion we’re republishing a post from July 20, 2012, about a point of grammar in Leigh Hunt’s poem “Jenny Kiss’d Me.”] Q: I was browsing through a collection of “best loved poems” the other day and came across the charming rondeau “JennyContinue Reading

Q: Is it proper to use “foregone” like this: “the outcomes are foregone”? I know the phrase “foregone conclusion” is common, but that doesn’t seem quite the same. A: Our answer: “Why not?” As we’ll explain below, people today don’t routinely use “foregone” to modify nouns other than “conclusion.” ButContinue Reading

Love English with Leila & Sabrah presented a great video to teach a variety of words that describe the state of being happy, including to be ecstatic, to be on cloud nine, to be glad and many more.  What adjectives are in your name? Explore this phrase and search for wordsContinue Reading